About Us
Hip hop lovers and collectors since the 90s, we used to spend hours to look for the right information through poor quality blogs, closed websites or big ones full of adds, spam and useless informations... That's why we decided to create a website that list as best as possible this music from beginning until now through the most extended database (Artists, Albums, Labels, Articles, Chronicles...) linked to a marketplace where you could sell or buy (CDs, LPs, Tapes, DVDs, Books, Magazines...), and opened to everybody who can share, comment, contribute, to be part of the community. From tapes collectors to new listeners, you're all welcome to contribute with laking informations, pictures, covers, links... Hip hop is one of the most prolific music ever, that's why it's impossible for us to know everything about it and we need your knowledge and your support !
Have a good time and long live Hip Hop ;)